New Post for Test

How to get an EU vaccination card for any citizen of the Slovak Republic based on their name and date of birth 1 Vulnerability history Similar to our recent revealed vulnerability in the NCZI systems (NCZI or NHIC National Health Information Center), where we were able to download 130 000 PCR/antigen tests and personal information of all tested citizens (90 000), […]

Possibility of widespread leak and misuse of EU vaccination certificates

How to get an EU vaccination card for any citizen of the Slovak Republic based on their name and date of birth 1 Vulnerability history Similar to our recent revealed vulnerability in the NCZI systems (NCZI or NHIC National Health Information Center), where we were able to download 130 000 PCR/antigen tests and personal information of all tested citizens (90 000), […]

Discovery of CVE-2022-24833

When on a security audit for a client it was discovered that a key component – the open-source private paste service PrivateBin contained a previously undocumented flaw. Cross-site-scripting is nothing new. I actually feel there must be prehistoric cave paintings and markings somewhere in the world containing some variation of <script>alert(1)</script>. Although XSS payloads embedded […]

How to maximize anonymity when accessing the Internet on mobile

The problem of mobile anonymity Dystopia is in full swing in Europe, and achieving true anonymity from mobile devices is a big problem. The picture below shows that most countries require mandatory registration of SIM cards on the national ID or passport. This means that all mobile operators in a given state (and, of course, […]